Saturday, November 24, 2007

Bones Of the Master. George Crane.

1. Fifteen words that describe the story
Quiet,ritual,silken,exceptance,assured,brave,belief,enduring,hope,inspiring, peace,resiliant,mist,honest,awakening.

2. Colors I see.
Pale blue,olive green,ash grey,paynes grey,deep crimson, flamed orange,sand,earth/dirt brown.

3.Specific Scene.
On the very first page Tsung Tsai is waking hours before the first morning light. He's alone in his cell which is six feet by nine feet and made of stone.He lights a candle for light and warmth and neighbors his meager possesions of a sleeping pad, blanket roll and a prized book of poems.
The solitude of the cell and his minimal belongings are at the same time haunting and calming. You can almost touch the peacefulness of his surroundings as they resonate with his inner quiet.

4.Thinking of Tsung Tsai.
I see Tsung Tsai as a small compact man, built in such a way as to accomodate only his basic needs and no more. If he were a color I would beleive him to be a deep regal red.The colllection of verses,"A Thousand Pieces of Snow" which he holds so dear give clues to tsais true nature and spiritual essance. He is a man of deep compassion and wisdom. He is at peace, self-assured and resolved.

5.George Crane.
George is tall,lean and still learning to be comfortable within his own skin. If he were a color I would paint him with burnt umber mixed with yellow ochre. Hungry as an artist, George is searching for the missing pieces that will help him create the work he aspires to.Through his relationship with Tsai he begins to see pieces of himself revealed and possibilities in reaching a place where his talents can shine thru begin to emurge.

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